Friday, May 31, 2013

How Do I Become A Mialisia Designer

How do I get started?

Want to be a part of something big? Mialisia is launching in July and is looking for team members to be part of the launch team. Ever wanted to be a part of a mulit-level-marketing company at the beginning? Statistics say the most successful MLM's get in at the beginning.  TIMING IS EVERYTHING. Historic co-founding group will be capped at 500 before July 2013.

It is SO SIMPLE here are a few ways to get started
1. You can email me with any questions
2. You can fill out an application and get started today
3. You can call me 513-947-0947

The commissions are the highest for the industry. And with a team you can make even more.

Comes with everything you need to start doing parties!

Timing Is Everything

During this pre-launch time, spaces are limited. Have you ever wished you got into apple before it was something big? Or even other MLM companies like Mary Kay? Here is your chance to be a part of something that will revolutionize the way women wear jewelry but time and space is limited.

Contact me for an application be a part of something BIG


What I love about Mialisia is that you can express yourself however you want. Make your own statement. 

Monday, May 27, 2013

When The Ground Floor Is Actually The Top

Ok, A Ground Floor business opportunity is being a part of the business at the beginning stages. I like this opportunity because there are not a lot of consultants selling the product, you are selling something new and it gives you the potential to grow a Team quicker.

What if you could have gotten in on the ground floor of Scentsy, Miche bags or any of the numerous other multimillion dollar companies? This is your chance. We are set to launch in July. Sign up to be a sales consultant before then and get special pre-launch pricing and a Founding Consultant.

So, if you are considering joining Mialisia, please contact me. I will explain it all to you. I will show you how there is very little risk involved and how you can be a part of something that is going to be awesome!

Sherri Burton
Mialisia Founding Consultant

Follow Mialisia On Pinterest

To all my Pinterest friends. Please help me spread the word by going to my pinterest site and repinning the items you love!

And as always you can shop on my website This journey has been amazing!! I have connected with so many people from across the US. I would love to have you on my team. If you would like more information, please email me at We have such an awesome team of girls. Mialisia Jewlery is growing and we are so proud to share this opportunity with all of you!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Golden Opportunity

Listen in to our 15 minute GOLDEN opportunity call! Message me afterwards with your questions and an application! Don't miss your GoLdEn OpPoRtUnIty!!! ~Sherri

dial in: 1-712-432-3131
Recording ID: 57564067

Mialisia Jewelry: Then and Now

Updates!!!! Are you ready to join? Time is running out!
-currently 210 designers out of the 500 prelaunch spots are taken! 85 on our #1 team!
-Demo kits are shipping next week!
-Corporate website should be up next week along with my personal site for everyone to check out!
-Visit my website at 

Monday, May 20, 2013

How Do I Start? Only $50 To Hold Your Spot!

Watch This Video

As soon as you sign up, I will work directly with you to get your social media set up and I will give us as much as I can in setting up and expanding your business. Together we can set goals, encourage and motivate each other. I truly believe that together we can build a strong Team!!

Email me for an application at

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Mialisia Jewelry, launching in July 2013, is a new home party plan company offering today’s busy woman a fabulous and fun career alternative. Boasting a patent-pending jewelry concept unheard of in the industry, Mialisia (pronounced mee-uh-lee-see-uh) expects to shatter records with its outstanding new jewelry concept which provides women with stylish, on-trend jewelry pieces that are interchangeable and customizable.

Are you searching for an at home business? Are you in the direct sales field with another Company but left with empty promises (or an empty wallet)?  Mialisa Jewelry is searching for bright, energetic people to join the Company during its early stages.  If you have the desire to be at the highest levels of a direct selling company and willing to build the business alongside us, we encourage you to become a founding Consultant during our prelaunch phase

We’ll teach you everything you need to know and you’ll receive ongoing support!

  • A patent-pending jewelry line no other jewelry company offers (no competition)
  • An existing Mega-Company infrastructure for smooth warehouse and shipping operations
  • Strong financial backing and solid in-house Management Team
  • Personalized Consultant websites and back office reporting from day one
  • Lucrative Compensation Plan that pays to infinity at top level (*see Comp Plan for details)
  • Lifetime Limited Warranty on all products
  • Free Shipping to host and customers
  • Hostess Rewards program paid by Company
  • Car Allowance Program, Trips and other Incentives for Consultants

Become A SuperStar

The Superstars Team Mission is to foster friendships, inspire personal growth, provide training, and create leaders.  Our culture is one of camaraderie, support and success; a place where sharing strategies and empowering others is the foundation of who we are and why we succeed.
Focusing on providing new members a jump start in the business and taking experienced consultants and bringing them to the next level in their career, Chad & Joy have created a member-only Training Suite where team members have access to additional business materials, training resources, tips & tricks, photos/videos, message boards, and even a chat room 24/7. 

As a Mialisia Jewelry Consultant, you may be in business for yourself but you are never alone when you are a Superstar!

Be sure that you join under the team that is truly interested in helping you become successful and has the skills and experience to get you there!

I am Scheduling appointments via phone or email for the Best opportunity in Direct Sales.

Contact me today for more information!

Sherri Burton 513-947-0947
Mialisia~Team Sponsor/Trainer
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